I think I love my life.



As I start packing my stuff at 4am, I feel I am in a lost for words.
It's like taking away a baby's favorite soft toy all of a sudden. It sucks to go back to Canada
after such a good trip home, I hate it cause reality is going to strike back in less than 24 hours.
In a foreign Canada, life is different. I don't get around getting away with most of the stuff I do here at home. Reality is going to hurt, but like it or not, life goes on.

It just kills me inside that I can't spend time with my friends, and only be able to have face to face conversations with them annually. Maybe that is why I don't mind spending tones of money with them, cause like it or not, no photos or conversations or gift can replace the sweet memory that can be relived anytime anywhere I want in my mind.

In Canada's reality, I have no true tight alliances, like it or not, nothing replaces the solid bond I have at home. Reality is, I fear the worse, people cheating or trusting the wrong people. In my mind, I just want to get through this shit and get on with my life.

People say life is short, and you might get hit by a bus tomorrow so you should live like everyday is your last day. I say, life is long, so appreciate the choices you make, cause you probably won't get hit by a bus, you will have to live with your choice.

I dread the trip back, having to do everything independently. But I still have to do it, lets hope I still do it like I can.

Anyway, I'm still talking on the phone at like 4am with this funny friend who can't stop talking about herself !! LOL. Totally going to miss these moments when I'm back in Canada.


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