The art of shutting up.



All so often we see people losing their temper or just plain opening their mouth when they should not. Everyone is entitled for a little pointless ranting at times, but these people are just abusing their right. Yes people, this is finally my first bashing rant on my all so pure blog. I'm sorry to say, this will be a tragedy.. for the people I'm referring to.

I've seen girls who try to act "cool", by pretending to want to smoke.. or...pretending to smoke.. when they are just puffing the smoke in their mouth n blowing it out. - I know, a waste of ciggerattes.
Just as people who I just can't seem to figure out why are they stuck with the same philosophy they stuck by during high school ?

Ever seen people getting involved in arguments that... their opinion... does not really matter. AND YET, they still open their mouth. All so many times, I read people's blog.. And I go.....
"omg, just shut up and grow up". ( And yet, i shut up and say nothing ). I do know that blogs are suppose to be personal diary, but.........
If you put your blog in a public domain, doesn't that defeat the purpose of being personal ? Admit it, you want people to read your blog. Thus, I DO have the right to think " shut the fuck up n grow up ".

You might counter me by saying, If you hate it so much, don't read it then. Well, I will defend my actions by saying...... It's like an accident, you know you shouldn't be looking, AND YET YOU STARE... Just like when a girl wears something very revealing, YOU STARE AT HER. Simple philosophy.

I don't care if you are a sensational blogger / wana be superstar or just blogging meaningless a counter of how many days you've been single, or just blogging every single small detail that you do with your significant other. It is people that don't shut up and act all so childishly in their actions that make it all so easy for us - gamers / P.U.A. 's

So this is a thank you note to all of you.
Thank you, for being a moron and making us look good.

- btw, if you are still not doing good with the ladies, try shutting up for once and letting the girl talk.
No girl has ever went home complaining that all she did during the date was talk about herself. -



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