YS-ism and YS-quote


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1. Love is overated, Sex is underated.

2. Talk to me, you will get the truth of what I think. I don't see the point in being nice.

3. Forgive and Forget ? Bullshit. Get even, and remind them not to do that to you again

4. A law should be passed for guys who are over 20, dating girls who are under 18. They should be investigated for potential pedophilia or being too desperate.

5. The prettier the girl, the more insecure she is.

6. Pretty girls who travel in gangs, are the ones that get hit on the least.

7. For every pretty girl out there, there is one guy that is sick of pretending to listen to her in exchange for sex.

8. No girl ever went home from a date and complained all they did was talk about themselves.

9. Trust in other people are overated.

10. No matter what happens in life, Family comes first. You should never choose your lover / partner / best friend over your mother or father. Remember, without them, you won't even have life.

11. When you are good, you are good, regardless of your attitude. If you lose, you admit you lost, It is okay to cry, but it is not okay to make excuses. A lost is a lost, even if other people cheated, they got away with it, so shut it.

12. A moment of glory is worth a month of bragging.

13. Religion is a variable, people should not be judged basing on their religious belief, but what they do with the beliefs.

14. Beauty fades, Stupid is forever.

15. My failed exam marks is still higher than your IQ.

16. People in Malaysia need to learn that "cum" is not short form for "come"

17. Relationships are temporary, Game is forever.

18. Picking up girls is like fishing - You need to be patient, have an interesting bait, you cannot rush into the lake chasing the fish. If the fish does not like your bait, , its fine, there are plenty of other fish around that might be interested in it.

19. Looks MATTER in getting the girl, but it does not matter if you plan on KEEPING the girl.

20. What do you need to get a girl ? 30% confidence, 20% experience, 10% money, 10% looks, 10% luck, 20% personality that matches hers.

21. A guy who cries and tells, is not a man; A guy who kiss and tells, is a poser; A guy who takes it all and not fight back, is whipped.

22. Hitting a woman is stupid and wrong, cause you should know by now, the bigger size species never survives on earth. Polar Bear, Whale, Sharks, all suffering extinctions, while ants and sparrows are shitting all over my house.

23. Money CAN buy short term happiness, but it can't buy long term.

24. Why would you want to live everyday like it was your last ? won't your last days be very depressing and sad if you know your going to die tomorrow ?! Live everyday like it was your best day.

25. Failure is acceptable, Repeating a failure is not.


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