Hiatus - Rebuild | Reborn.


After finally killing off Savior in my latest writing ( cause the writings lately were getting really bad ). I decided to take a hiatus from posting any writing I cook up. You guys can enjoy reading XiaXue or Dear Darling or some pathetic blog that possesses the cure to insomnia.

So for these days in my hiatus, I shall remain in solitude, only to go out to get food, or to have a smoke. Regardless, my days in my room will be filled with working outs and studying. Need to regain my focus after weeks of slacking.

Wait for it, there's new writing coming up soon and better gossip stories.

Every night
I sit here, thinking
Stories after fantasies
Imagination after creation
Only to avoid what I am afraid
Trying to block out what others said

I am sad deep down
I am happy cause no one sees my frown
With thoughts of me being happy
Inspiring post after post, if only you could see
When will I be myself again
When will I be dancing in the rain
At the end, it matters.
At the end, everything matters

Everyone writes me off
No, no one ever wrote me off
Me myself wrote myself off
Depression managment
Self disappointment
Murdered them all
The injured savior
I need to destroy me
No sacrifice, no victory

Virus inside me, hear my warns
Good and Evil shall lock horns
Now, Savior Reborns.


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